Saturday, February 17, 2007


Bass guitar is the coolest, sexiest instrument of any band, and although there are some bands out there without one, these are few and far between. The bassist is the sole of the band, who melds everything together. He/she connects the drummer and the guitarist, the music flows through them. They set the rythm, groove and feel of the song. And there's also never enough of them, decent bassists are hard to come by for any band, because for every bassist there's 10 guitarist's.

No doubt if you've discovered this you already own a bass guitar, or are trying one out. Hopefully some of you are trying to further your technique (which you should be doing constantly). In this blog I'll try and help you with that.

I've created this blog because I'm sick of trawling all over the web to get decent tips and info on playing the bass. I'm going to try and collaborate all I've learnt over the years and put it in easy to understand text and video (soon) lessons. I plan to cover all aspects of the bass, but personally my main interests are in slapping and tapping.
Check back often as I will update as often as possible.

Dr Warm